ogni tanto una bella notizia/ a good news for a change

"Total request life, spettacolo musicale di Mtv Italia, cambia scenario per qualche giorno. Sino al 22 dicembre, infatti, Trl lascerà la tradizionale Piazza Duomo a Milano per approdare in Piazza Falcone e Borsellino a Corleone, luogo simbolo della criminalità organizzata. Sul palco del programma, condotto da Elena Santarelli e Alessandro Cattelan, molti ragazzi vittime della mafia per raccontare le loro storie personali" [da Repubblica.it]

beh, certo non l'ho visto per cui non posso davvero commentare sulla qualita' e sul livello di strumentalizzazione della cosa, ma l'idea mi sembra buona. La Sicilia e' splendida e i siciliani hanno un cuore e una dignita' che pochi hanno. Bisogna "solo" che urlino piu' forte di altri !!!! ...e bisogna anche che LI FACCIANO/ LI LASCINO urlare....


monica ha detto…
"Total Request Live, the MTV show, changes location for a few days. Until december 22nd TRL will be away from its traditional location, Piazza Duomo in Milan, to be in Piazza Falcone e Borsellino in Corleone (sicily) a symbolic place for Mafia. On stage, together with the main hosts (Elena Santarelli and Alessandro Cattellan), there will also be many young people who have fallen victims of the mafia and they will tell their own stories" [from repubblica.it, 21-12-2007)]

Borsellino and Falcone were two italian magistrates who fought against mafia and were killed by it in 2 different attacks. The piazza was named after them and that's why it's a symbolic location. You can check wikepidia:
Falcone: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Falcone
Borsellino: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paolo_Borsellino

I haven't seen the show, so I can't really say how good it is and how well the topic is treated but the idea sounds great. Sicily is to me the most beautiful place in Italy and sicilians are strong and certainly have a big heart. They 'only' need to shout louder that the others in order to be heard and to show who they really are. Often, though, people need to LET them shout louder!